STEP 3: Prepare to Poke the Material into the Wreath
get a square of your material, right side up. put the tip of a pencil into the middle of the right side of the material. dip the wrong side into some glue. (i used mod podge).
STEP 4: Poke the Material into the Wreath
stab that pencil--with material and glue on it--into the wreath. place them pretty close to each other so it looks really full and pretty!
here's how far along i am with my wreath. btw, this is half of a piece of material that measured 5/8 of a yard.
Very cute, when I was in the 4th grade we made wreaths like that for our moms for mother's day.
I'm so slacking! I need to get on this! Especially since I'm the one that lead the charge on wanting to do this wreath! I did finish Demi's Birthday present last night... Maybe I can start this tonight while making all the cupcakes for her to take to school tomorrow!
Wow!! That looks fantastic already! I really have to get to Joann's and get that wreath!
Good job on leading the project! Pictures look good too. As you know it's been a ruff week, will check for a wreath if I have a coupon :-). I also remember making these at Christmas time when I was a kid.
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