i gave indyanna a special present for christmas just from me. it was a little singer zig zag machine designed for ages 6+. she finally got to use it yesterday. she decided to make a bookmark. she got a piece of green felt material and then layered a piece of pink sparkly material on top. then she just sewed around the edges--wrong sides together. (i didn't tell her to do right sides together...i just let her be)
anyways, this machine is a piece of junk! the stitches come out no matter what you do. it was just poorly made. the presser food is plastic and jiggles around and the needle hits it. it's just bad. and again, the worst part is, that after she sews on it the stitches come out. they do not lock into place since there is no bobbin. i was so mad at this machine that i sent a strongly worded email to singer.com last night. for $20 more i could have gotten my child a "real" machine, albeit a bottom line walmart machine. unfortunately, i threw the box away and i can't return the stupid thing now.
so last night after she made her bookmark and then realized that the stitches where coming out i let her use my bernina. she did great! i am so proud of her!
in this pic the white stitches were made with her machine which, you can see sitting next to her. she went around the edges again with my machine but i did not take picture of the end results since she used a thread that matched and you couldn't see it anyways.
UGH! I totally went online after Christmas and checked out that sewing machine thinking I would see about getting one for the girls, but the reviews were ALL horrible! I didn't see the exact picture of the machine you got Indyanna, so I was really hoping you got a newer version that was better or something. That really sucks! I'm so glad she can sew on yours. I guess I need to get a new machine for myself so you can have your old one back for Indyanna! :)
P.S. My girls are begging me to let them sew on my machine NOW.
oh no, what a bummer. It looked like a really cute machine, to bad it's a pos. I hope you hear back from Singer.
That is too bad about the sewing machine! Hopefully, Singer customer service will respond to your email.
Well ditto on the big bummer about the Singer machine. Maybe they will come back with a solution since you took the time to write to them. It looks like Indyanna's bookmark came out okay and you can tell from the smile that she had fun. That's the most important part!
Well I know your ticked and I would be too, but that big ol smile on Indy's face has to make you feel a little better. She looks so thrilled with her finished project! Sending positive thoughts out that Singer will make this right for you guys.
That TOTALLY sucks!! I thought Singer was supposed to be good too! Maybe they will offer a refund or something. I would hope so anyway.
She did great on your machine though. Very cute little book mark. Looks like she would be able to handle a real machine just fine :o)
I'm so sorry about your disappointment and hope you get your money back. She does look ready for the grown up machine, though.
I had a fun little sewing machine like that growing up!
Hope you hear back from Singer.
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