Monday, April 26, 2010


this past weekend, i headed on up to oklahoma with family members to have a sewing weekend of fun at cousin meagan's house! for lots more pictures of our weekend check out her blog. link in blue

i completed this dress for a dear friends' daughter. her birthday was earlier this month. better late than never?!

and then i made this one....

and here are a pair of wall hangings that my mom made using a tshirt from our girls' trip last year.

and, not to be out done by those sanger babes, here's grandma doing the babe' sanger.


alisha said...

Love those t-shirt dresses! Very cute. And the shirt hanging things mom did are really cool. She should go back and do one with a shirt from each year since they've started having the shirts and have a wall of them for Grandma! And love Grandma doing the YMCA! Love the sign in the background as well!

Jennie said...

Go Grandma!

Cassie J said...

cute dresses. Love, love, love the photo of Grandma!!! That's a keeper!

Craftcherry said...

Love the 80's tshirt dress!! So cute! Looks like you had a ton of fun!!