Wednesday, July 8, 2009


sew, indyanna and i have discovered the greatness that is the BOWDABRA! seriously, if you have a girl, don't walk, RUN to your nearest walmart and buy one. we made bow after bow after bow tonight. i've discovered that my daughter likes BIG bows.

proof of big bow love

she even made a bow for daddy.

you can also use the bowdabra to make bows for presents. SWEETNESS.


Jennie said...

Indyanna, you are so cute with that BIG bow...Ryan on the other hand...JK

Melanie said...

Oh my gosh, Indyanna must already know bigger is better, what a good little Texas girl. And the bow on Ryan cracked me up!

alisha said...

I cannot wait to get mine so the girls and I can start making them some!!!!

that pic of ryan is HILARIOUS!!!