made these for
my sister's mother in law. she's a sweet lady. everyone calls her "Z" so that's what i embroidered on the towels.
alisha is going to put bias tape around the edges then give them to her for her birthday next week.
(i haven't cut all the strings and gotten rid of the placement markings on these projects yet)

and then this is kind of a trial and error towel. i used the letter from the
ycmt personalized pillow letter set.
Everything in your house is going to be embroidered. I know if I had one it would be! :-)
Holly you're doing so well with your embroidery machine. Now all you have to do is start combining the embroidery with everything else you do and you'll have it totally going on!
The towels and rags look GREAT! Rob really loves them too! He's very happy we did this for his mama! I can't wait to see them in person and then finish them off!
And LOVE the S towel as well!
The Z towel's are fantastic, they look professional. They look like something you would see in a model home!
Cute Cute Cute!!!!
Those came out really well! Makes me really want one of those machines myself!
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