Saturday, January 24, 2009

2009-01-24 ycmt quilt and basketball tourney!

forney 7th grade boys won 3rd place in the tournament today! woo hoo. here's a picture of my awesome son, bray, with the trophy!!!

isn't he the bomb, baby?!?!?! i just love watching him play basketball.

step 6 of the ycmt quilt--all squares sewn together and evened up into 6 inch squares.


Melanie said...

Yay, go Bray!! I was wondering how it went.

I can't believe you have the whole quilt sewn together already, or is it just the pieces altogether?

Shelly said...

Woo Hoo Bray! Although he looks more tired than happy after that 3rd place finish!
Glad to see you got your squares done sewn together too. I wish you'd told me that I was doing my pinwheels wrong so that I could have changed them before getting them done to this point. Oh well, no one will have to see it after its done but me, so I guess it won't matter.

alisha said...

Go Bray! He looks great in his jersey too!

The quilt is looking very awesome!

Cassie J said...

Yeah Bray!!! He is sprouting before my eyes! Loving the quilt!! Great color combinations.

Danielle said...

Way to go Bray. Your quilt is looking awesome too. Way to go. Don't stop now your so close to finishing! :)

Kim said...

GORGEOUS!!! I just love how yours is turning out! Next step should be posted today! ;)

(YCMT) :)

Teresa Pomerantz said...

loving your fabric for your quilt- I just got to the 2nd half of step 2- the ironing of the triangle squares.