i just finished this bag tonight! i love it. it's my new bag for beatrice. she's my pretty new laptop--and i love her! i bought the material some time ago with intentions of possibly maybe making a quilt for ryan. ya. i found out rather quickly that quilt makin' just ain't my thing. so the fabric has laid there nice and quietly in my stash just waiting for the perfect moment to scream "use me, USE ME!" well, beautiful fishy fabric, i heard you! and might i add, that you screamed at just the right time. for, you make a beautiful laptop bag for beatrice. not that bea ever goes anywhere.........but when she does, y'all better watch out!

a side view. please ignore any ugly-ish stitching you might see (cough, cough) oh and i made the dress too. full picture of the dress, minus the laptop bag, in just a second.

inside lining and two pockets--one's a zipper pocket. yep. a zipper!

and beatrice. all tucked in and snuggling comfortably in her new bag.

here's the dress. my aunt asked me to make it for her. she chose the material and pattern. it had alot of pieces and i was intimidated. but when i finally got going on this sucker it wasn't so bad after all. i did wind up having issue with the belt but i think i have it all figured out. now, i'm just praying it will fit her!

a purse i made about a month ago. i like it but it's a little too small. it's a favorite things pattern. i altered it a little bit by sewing up the sides some. i found that all my credit cards and stuff fell out if i didn't. if i ever make this pattern again, i will def have more alterations to do to it first. but, i doubt i'll ever do this one again. it was kinda hard and tedious. not worth the results in my opinion.


back side of purse. i was really tired of sewing this thing by the time i finished it. it has a pocket on the front and back. 2 or maybe 3 on the inside. a bunch of credit card slots. oh, and a zippered pocket.

practice pettiskirt. totally not hemmed. totally not an completed project. strings are everywhere. my serger did not want to cut this material and kept messing up on me. i might need a new blade. but anyways, the serger really did a number on the yoke. so much so that i had cut most of it off. so the yoke is about half as short as it should be. this is a you can make this pattern. the pink thing under it is another outfit i made for indyanna. one day when i take the pettiskirt off of the manniquin, i'll snap a picture of the pink thing and show it as well.

indyanna wore it for a total 3 minutes. she liked the twirlability of it but at the time she was playing pirate and it didn't really go with the theme. ignore diaper on the floor. it's a clean one at least! for that matter, ignore anything in the background of any of the pictures from now on--that's an order)

I think all your sewing rocks, but I really think the laptop bag is exceptional!! I love it! The fabric is so beautiful! It's very sophisticated and ultra hip!
Hey, I recognize that dress! Your sewing blog is way too cool. Keep up the great work and know that you are inspiring at least one person out there to get in her sewing room too! Love the bags. But boy, what a lot of work. Can't wait to see your next project.
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